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 4月8日上午9:00, 美国密苏里大学孙建国教授受邀在数学楼三楼报告厅为我校师生做“Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Informative Observation Times and Application to Medical Cost Data”学术报告。


    The analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation processes has recently attracted a great deal of attention and some methods have been developed. However, most of those methods treat the observation process as a recurrent event process, which assumes that one observation can immediately follow another. Sometimes, this is not the case, as there may be some delay or observation duration. Such a process is often referred to as a recurrent episode process. One example is the medical cost related to hospitalization, where each hospitalization serves as a single observation. For the problem, we present a joint analysis approach for regression analysis of both longitudinal and observation processes and a simulation study is conducted that assesses the finite sample performance of the approach. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimates are also given and the method is applied to the medical cost data that motivated this study.

